Investor-Centric ESG and Shareholder Engagement Strategist

At ZMH Advisors we combine two decades of corporate governance and investor engagement expertise with AI-powered investor intelligence to deliver customized ESG and shareholder engagement solutions for both private and publicly-listed companies.

Let’s talk about how you can leverage our expertise and data to build high-impact ESG disclosures and shareholder engagement strategies for long-term value creation.

Trusted By

ESG Advisory

  • ESG Strategy
  • Peer Benchmarking and Gap Analysis
  • Materiality Assessment
  • Policies & Disclosures (GRI, SASB, TCFD, UN SDGs)
  • Climate Reporting (Scope 1, 2, 3)
  • ESG Ratings and Improvement Roadmap
  • ESG Report and Roadshow

Shareholder Engagement

  • Contact details for stewardship teams
  • Draft outreach emails and investor presentations
  • List of engagement priorities and expected questions
  • Fund-level intelligence on investor support for management proposals at shareholder meetings
  • Gap analysis of company disclosures vs. investor policies
  • Access to curated research on shareholder proposals, SEC’s No-Action letters, and reasons for withdrawals


Case Study

ESG Roundtable


Featured Insights

Engagement Overview: Top Institutional Investors

Building your ESG Program: A Step-by Step Guide

A “How To” Manual for Enhancing Investor Relations